Bishop Odulaja Encourages Congregation To Steal -Demands Dollars as offerings in his Lagos Church
Affluence has now become the order of the day among various Nigerian men of God, they want to live in luxury not minding how their church members come about the means of juicy donations they receives, the list has been endless rather than reduce because of the happenings around which has brought to mind the end-time happenings as predicted in the bible.
Latest among such pastors is the presiding bishop of Prevailing Words Bible Church, Bishop Kayode Odulaja. Sources alleged that the dark-skinned smiling preacher is now a regular customer of Forex traders as it has become a habit in his church for members to make donations in foreign currencies.
The church which is somewhere around Ipaja area of Lagos State, we were informed, can be said to be operating as if it is in the USA, as the main currency in the church is now said to be American dollars. Some church members we gathered, now go as far as changing money at bureaux de change just because they have to give offerings in the church on Sunday.
Some church members who are not comfortable with this have either kept their cool or left the church as the pastor seems to be enjoying the turn of things in the church as it means more money in the church coffers putting into consideration the foreign exchange involved.
The gentle looking pastor whose church website leaves a space for those who want to partner with the church on different project founded the church in 1995, has since then grown to becoming what it is at the moment. The church which neighbors now call “that snake must die” church is having different programmes, all intended to draw more people to the church some of which are: Succeeding Against The Odds, This Jericho Wall Must Fall, and many more of such programmes.