2015 Appropriation Bill, Delivered To The Kwara House Of Assembly, By His Excellency, Alhaji (Dr) Abdulfatah Ahmed
Mr. Speaker, Distinguished Honorable members of Kwara State House of Assembly. Let me thank you for once again admitting me into this distinguished legislative chamber to present the 2015 Budget proposal for consideration and passage. I will also like to express my profound gratitude to this distinguished house for the strong partnership you have extended to this administration since its inception. Your support has contributed immensely towards the realization of our vision to make Kwara State more prosperous.
Mr. Speaker, Distinguished Honorable Members, there is no doubt that in the last three and a half years, our administration has made giant strides in its efforts to deliver the benefits of good governance to the people of Kwara State.
In pursuit of the shared prosperity agenda of this administration, several life – transforming programs have been implemented. Some of these include innovative Kwara Bridge Empowerment Scheme (KWABES) and the expanded Quickwin, under which we have provided over 10,200 jobs including 2,000 in the civil service, introduction of free qualitative education at basic and senior secondary school levels, payment of NECO examination fees for Senior Secondary School students (SS3), as well as construction and rehabilitation of secondary and primary school classrooms for conducive learning environment.
In addition,a Vocational Training Centre of international standard was established at Ajasse-Ipo to train our youths to more employable locally, nationally and internationally. We have also provided incentives to motivate both teaching and non-teaching staff, as well as enhanced funding of our public school system, including the tertiary institutions.
Mr. Speaker, Honorable members, we have significantly boosted physical infrastructure in our state in recognition of its positive impact in the development process. Within the last three and a half years, this administration has effectively positioned Kwara State as the emerging hub for agriculture with the launch of a KAMP, a road map to agro-driven prosperity, the injection of funds to outgrower farmers and the provision of critical farm inputs to farmers across the state.
While these strides demonstrate some of the successes we have recorded in the last three and a half years, Mr. Speaker, Distinguished honorable members, a brief review of the achievements recorded in the implementation of the 2014 budget is pertinent.
Mr. Speaker, Distinguished honorable members, the 2014 Budget underlined our determination to initiate system –wide programs to provide empowerment for youths while rapidly expanding opportunities for collective prosperity and sustaining infrastructure development. The size of the approved 2014 budget was One Hundred and Thirty Billion, Two Hundred and Sixty – two Million, Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand, Nine Hundred and Seven Naira.
However, in June 2014, the budget was revised downward to One hundred and fifteen billion, Six hundred and one million, Two hundred and seventy-two thousand, Two hundred and seventy-four naira in order to reflect the reality of the persistent dwindling of resources from federation account and other sources which adversely affected the revenue profile of the state. Despite these challenges, we remain committed to implementing people oriented programs to ensure development as well as meeting our statutory obligations to the good people of Kwara State.
Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to report that we made modest progress in the implementation of 2014 budget based on our meager financial resources profile. As at October 31st, 2014 the overall financial Budget performance was 50.4 percent. With regard to capital expenditure, the financial performance was 20.9 percent while that of recurrent expenditure was 74.8 percent.
Mr. Speaker, Distinguished Honorable members, permit me to highlight some of the capital projects executed in some of the key sub-sectors during the outgoing financial year.
The year 2014 witnessed further construction and rehabilitation of rural and urban roads in the state. During the year, attention was focused on the completion of seventy-one on-going and newly awarded road projects with a total length of four hundred and seventy-two kilometers. Also, majority of the fifty-eight rural feeder roads awarded between 2012 and 2013 with a total length of four hundred and eighteen kilometers across the state were completed during this outgoing financial year. In addition, the state government is currently intervening on some federal roads which are to boost the economic activities of the state. The roads include:- Patigi – Kpada – Rogun road, parts of Ajasse-Ipo – Erin-Ile Road, which are on-going, while Fate Roundabout to Agric-Roundabout and Kulende – Oyun federal roads were completed. Very soon work will commence on the recently flagged-off Kaiama-Kishi road.
In the area of road maintenance, we have continued to strengthen Kwara Road Maintenance Agency (KWARTMA) by prompt release of monthly subvention for road rehabilitation and maintenance. During the year, the agency intervened in the rehabilitation and desilting of drainages on over forty roads across the three senatorial districts in the state.
In the same vein, government has equipped Kwara Road Traffic Management Authority (KWARTMA) and the Kwara State Fire Service with modern working tools to enhance their performance as well as ensure free flow of traffic in the state.
The policy thrust of this administration on water supply is to ensure that adequate potable water is accessible within 500 meters radius for every citizen in Kwara State. To this extent therefore, arrangements for the award of contracts for the rehabilitation of another batch of 15 waterworks have reached advanced stage. The waterworks include Bakase, Ballah, Obbo-Ile, Elesin-Meta, Elemere, Igbaja, Joromi-Osin, Isanlu-Isin, Agbamu, Okuta, Ashipa, Gberia, Kpada, Gbugbu and Ilemona.
Besides, One hundred and twenty-eight boreholes were successfully drilled at various locations across the state, while work on additional sixty boreholes is expected to be completed before the end of the year. In addition, work has commenced on the restoration of washed-off mains around Baba-Ode axis, in order to ensure regular water supply to locations such as Coca-Cola, Ipata, Maraba, Kulende, Sango, Basin-Fate, Sabo-Oke, Tanke, Unilorin etc, in the eastern network.
In the outgoing financial year, we installed thirty-two transformers of various ratings and rehabilitated thirty-five transformers in various communities in the first phase the urban and rural electrification program.
In the same vein, one hundred transformers of various ratings were installed in communities across the sixteen local government areas of the state in the second phase of transformer droppings.
To enhance aesthetics and improve security at night, we increased the number of streetlights along Abdul-Azeez Atta Road to Geri Alimi and New Yidi Road in Ilorin. In an attempt to diversify the power sector and to explore other means of power supply, government expended a total sum of Twelve million naira on the pre-feasibility and feasibility studies on 100 megawatt Harmony Independent Power station to be established in the state.
The state government recorded tremendous success in the health sector during the outgoing year. Some of these include:-
a) Completion of comprehensive rehabilitation of five (5) General Hospitals across the three senatorial districts of the state which have been put to effective use. The hospitals are Ilorin, Kaiama, Offa, Omu-Aran and Share.
b) Free malaria treatment for pregnant women and children under 5 was conducted across the state.
c) Under the Roll Back Malaria Programme, the state government purchased insecticides treated nets and drugs worth thirty-seven million, five hundred thousand naira to eliminate malaria prevalence in the state.
d) The Community Health Insurance Scheme has provided subsidized access to quality healthcare for 80, 000 rural dwellers in 10 Local Government Areas. In a bid to further enhance the functionality of our health system, the state government established the Primary Health Care Development Agency in order to bring primary health care under one roof. The Hospital Management Bureau was also established for effective performance of our health facilities in the state.
During the year, one hundred and sixty farmers across the sixteen Local Government Areas of the state benefitted from a loan of Two hundred and fourteen million, seven hundred and nine thousand, four hundred and ninety naira. Also, we consolidated our partnership with the Federal Government under the Growth Enhancement Scheme, which the state contributed the sum of One hundred and eighty-four million, seven hundred and fifty-seven thousand, three hundred and seventy-five naira.
Under this scheme, sixty-seven thousand, one hundred and ninety-five crop farmers benefitted from fertilizer and improved seeds distribution, while eight hundred fish farmers benefitted from Juvenile fish and bags of fish feed at subsidized rate of six thousand, two hundred and fifty naira per farmer. In addition, bags of feed and blocks of salt-lick to the tune of Four hundred and seventy-five thousand naira were given to the Livestock farmers. The Government fish farm at Yidi road, Ilorin produced Ten thousand assorted good fish fingerlings and sold at subsidized rate to interested fish farmers. Thirty-six staffers of Malete Integrated Youth Farm Centre and fifty-five Fadama staffers were absorbed into the mainstream of civil service.
Furthermore, a total sum of Twenty-nine million, three hundred and fourteen thousand, five hundred naira was disbursed to eleven Fadama Community Associations (FCA) with eighty-five Fadama Users Group (FUGs) under Fadama III Programme.
The Commerce and Cooperatives sub-sector continued to effectively serve as vehicle for the implementation of our poverty reduction programmes throughout the year. During the outgoing financial year, the informal private sector such as Artisans in the state benefitted from One hundred million naira (N100million) Micro-Credit Intervention fund, while one hundred (100) taxi cabs were purchased and allocated to our commercial transporters at the total sum of Fifty million naira. Similarly, as part of our empowerment programme efforts as well as sustaining Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises development in the state, the state government and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the ₦220billion Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Fund (MSMEDF), which the Kwara State Government can access a maximum sum of Two billion naira. The fund when accessed, will in doubt improve and boost the economic activities of our Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the state thereby generating more employment for our youth and women as well.
Recognizing the importance of education to the overall development of the state, I am happy to report that tremendous progress has been made in the sector.
During the outgoing financial year, we embarked on special interventions in schools across the three senatorial districts. A total sum of sixty-one million, two hundred thousand naira was spent on construction and rehabilitation of twenty schools including public primary schools. In the same vein, furniture was supplied to some of our basic schools across the state with noticeable shortages.
In order to support teachers in our primary and Junior Secondary Schools, one hundred motorcycles were purchased for the School Support Officers (SSO) in all the sixteen Local Government Education Authority Areas.
In addition, the International Vocational Centre at Ajasse-Ipo is presently at 95% completion stage and will soon be commissioned.
Furthermore, in our unwavering commitment to yearly payment of Senior Secondary Schools Examination fees, a total sum of seventy million naira was released for the payment of National Examination Council (NECO) and National Board for Technical Education (NABTEB) fees for eight thousand, two hundred and thirty five students that sat for 2014 Senior Secondary Schools Examinations. Similarly, a sum of Twenty-two million naira was released for the conduct of Joint Mock Examination for SS2 students across the state.
In our effort to ameliorate the shortage of teaching staff in schools, a total of two hundred and six new teaching staff were employed across the one hundred and ninety-three political wards of the state.
In the outgoing financial year, College of Education at Ilorin, Oro and Lafiagi, benefitted from the increase of their monthly allocations in order to cater for the payment of staff salaries and allowances. In the same vein, a total sum of twenty million naira was released for the payment of bursary to students of Kwara State origin in tertiary institutions. This gesture was also extended to One hundred and seventy-seven Law students of Kwara State origin at the cost of Thirty-eighty million naira.
During the year, government continued to accord recognition to the Civil Service as an engine for policy formulation and implementations through continuous development of the human resources within the service. We also sustained regular payment of salaries and allowances despite our financial constraints. A total number of One hundred personnel were recruited to strengthen the manpower, while One thousand, four hundred and seventeen officers were promoted to different grade levels. In addition, 5000 youths were empowered through Quick win intervention program.
Mr. Speaker, Honorable members, we realized all these strides despite revenue shortfalls from federation account and other revenue sources. We met our obligations for salaries, debt service and overhead expenditures. It is against the background of these achievements and particularly the need to ensure that all on-going projects are completed that the 2015 budget is being formulated.
Mr. Speaker, Honorable members, the proposed 2015 budget was prepared against the backdrop of a fragile global economic recovery and an uncertain outlook. All of us are aware of the crumbling oil revenue in the global market which has resulted in the dwindling of our monthly receipts from Federation Account Allocation.
This implies that we should be more prudent in managing our limited resources as well as work harder, faster and proactive to diversify the state economy towards revenue yielding initiatives in order to reduce our dependence on the federation Account Allocation for meaningful development of the state. However, we remain resolute to get more young people working through a renewed emphasis on entrepreneurship.
In view of these objectives, the 2015 Appropriation Bill is themed Budget of Introspection and Job Creation. This theme underlines our resolve to be more self-reliant in revenue generation while simultaneously upscaling our job creation efforts by promoting entrepreneurship and boosting the private sector. While we intend to make revenue collection web more effective and block all identified revenue loopholes, let me make it clear that we have no intention of imposing taxes on our people who are already burdened by the harsh national economy.
Mr. Speaker, Honorable members, let me reiterate that we remain resolute in our quest to provide positive development to our people despite the shortfall in our revenue allocation from the Federation Account. We shall strive hard and be proactive to ensure the blockage of all revenue leakages, harness other revenue sources and adopt best practices to maximize the utilization of our resources.
Mr. Speaker, our commitment to deliver on our mandate shall remain uncompromised despite all odds.
The overall objective of 2015 budget is to consolidate existing gains and channel available to priority areas than can unlock more growth and create new jobs.
Specifically, the objectives of the budget include:
1.Enhancement of revenue collection machinery to reduce reliance on federation and fund sustained growth.
2.Rationalization of recurrent expenditure to eliminate waste free up more funds for capital expenditure.
3.Stimulate investment in the productive sectors of the economy with the aim of increasing output, promoting enterprise boosting job creation.
4.Prudent management of all human, material and financial resources for consolidated and sustained economic development.
In order to attain these laudable objectives, the following policies will be pursued:
1.An aggressive policy of internal revenue generation through strengthening and repositioning of Board of Internal Revenue as well as harnessing other revenue sources in the state.
2.Reduction in recurrent expenditure
3.Maintenance of an efficient and cost-effective machinery of Government for improved service delivery.
4.Completion of capital projects in Agriculture, Water Supply, Health, Roads and Rural Electrification.
Mr. Speaker, Honorable members, in formulating the 2015 budget proposal, we made some assumptions taking into consideration the current economic reality to arrive at our projections.
Consequently, we are proposing a budget size of One hundred and Nineteen Billion, Eight hundred and fifty million, Eight hundred and ninety-two thousand, seven hundred and forty-seven naira for the 2015 financial year. This shows an increase of Four billion, two hundred and forty-nine million, six hundred and twenty thousand, four hundred and seventy-three naira over the 2014 revised appropriation which represents 3.7%. Our determination to complete on-going projects and improve the quality of life of the people of Kwara State informed the increase.
The budget is made up of Recurrent Expenditure of Forty-six billion, Four hundred and sixty-million, nine hundred and thirty-seven thousand, One hundred and eighty-seven naira which represents 39% of the total budget size.
The Public Debt Servicing is Eleven billion, two hundred and fifty-two million, two hundred and thirty-two thousand, seven hundred and ninety-four naira which represents 9% of the total budget size.
The Capital Expenditure is Sixty-two billion, one hundred and thirty-seven million, seven hundred and twenty-two thousand, seven hundred and sixty-six naira which represents 52% of the total budget size.
Mr. Speaker, Honorable members, the breakdown of the proposed 2015 budget is as follows:
The total projected revenue for 2015 financial year is One hundred and nineteen billion, eight hundred and fifty million, eight hundred and ninety-two thousand, seven hundred and forty-seven naira. Of this amount, the projected Independent Generated Revenue (IGR) is sixteen billion, Four hundred and thirty-eight million, sixty-two thousand, Nine hundred and ninety-two naira, while the projected Capital Development Fund receipts and Aid and Grants is Twenty-nine billion, seven hundred and ninety-five million, One hundred and sixty-two thousand, Four hundred and twenty-eight naira.
The statutory revenue due to the State from Federation Account is estimated at Thirty-three billion, six hundred and seventeen million, six hundred and sixty-seven thousand, three hundred and twenty-seven naira.
The estimated revenue from Value Added Tax (VAT) is seven billion, five hundred million naira, while the estimated revenue from Non-oil/Excess crude Account is Two billion, five hundred million naira.
The other anticipated source of revenue for funding the 2015 budget is from a bond of Twenty-three billion naira to be sourced from the Capital Market and to be repaid back by 2022. We are also anticipating a term loan facility of seven billion naira from financial institutions in case the bond accessibility might delay, in order to ensure that we continue with our developmental projects. In addition, the estimated total recurrent revenue surplus (Transfer to Capital Development Fund) is Two Billion, three hundred and forty-two million, five hundred and sixty thousand, three hundred and thirty-eight naira.
Mr. Speaker, Honorable members, we are all aware that our State derives the bulk of its revenue from the statutory allocations from the Federation Account for the funding of capital and recurrent expenditures. However, we will re-double our efforts to substantially reduce our dependence on the Federation Account Allocation by intensifying our internal revenue generation drive in the coming years. This would entail the strengthening and repositioning of the Board of Internal Revenue to become more efficient and effective in revenue collection. A bill to this effect will be forwarded to this honorable house for consideration and approval. We shall also continue to leverage other available domestic and external funding windows to fund projects that meet the state’s social and economic cost-benefit criteria and with positive cash flows to pay back.
A total expenditure estimate of One hundred and nineteen billion, eight hundred and fifty million, eight hundred and ninety-two thousand, seven hundred and forty-seven naira representing an increase of 3.7% from the revised 2014 budget level of One hundred and fifteen billion, six hundred and one million, two hundred and seventy-two thousand, two hundred and seventy-four naira is being proposed for the 2015 Budget. This is made up of: Forty-six billion, four hundred and sixty million, nine hundred and thirty-seven thousand, one hundred and eighty-seven naira for recurrent (non-debt) expenditure, Eleven billion, two hundred and fifty-two million, two hundred and thirty-two thousand, seven hundred and ninety-four naira for Public Debt Service, and Sixty-two billion, one hundred and thirty-seven million, seven hundred and twenty-two thousand, seven hundred and sixty-six naira for Capital Expenditure.
Mr. Speaker, Honorable members, the proposed 2015 budget is informed by the need to accomplish more for our people and accelerate the pace of work in the on-going projects in all the priority sectors of the state economy so as to ensure their completion. The budget will equally support the private and our emerging entrepreneurs to grow their businesses, create wealth and generate employment. From the foregoing, I hereby present the sectoral allocation of the Budget in size and percentage based on the main functions of the government in line with global best practice:-
1.General Public Services: Thirty-five billion, nine hundred million, Four hundred and seventy thousand, Eight hundred and eighty-four naira representing 30% of the total budget size.
2.Public Order and Safety: One billion, Six hundred and one million, Two hundred and eight-nine thousand, Nine hundred and eighty-eight naira representing 1.3% of the total budget size.
3.Economic Affairs: Thirty-five billion, five hundred and thirty-six million, thirty-seven thousand, three hundred and ninety naira representing 29.7% of the total budget size.
4.Environmental Protection: Six hundred and ninety-one million, Five hundred and sixty-one thousand, Six hundred and eighty-two naira representing 0.6% of the total budget size.
5.Housing and Community Amenities: Four billion, Four hundred and ninety-six million, Nine hundred and eighty-three thousand, Eight hundred and sixty-eight naira representing 3.8% of the total budget size.
6.Health: Ten billion, two hundred and forty-eight million, Six hundred and sixty-nine thousand, Four hundred and ninety-three naira representing 8.6% of the total budget size.
7.Recreation, Culture and Religion: One billion, One hundred and thirty-five million, Three hundred and twenty-six thousand, Six hundred and eighteen naira representing 1% of the total budget size.
8.Education: Twenty-four billion, one hundred and seventy-three million, three hundred and fifty-one thousand, three hundred and fifty-six naira only representing 20% of the total budget size.
9.Social Protection: Six billion, Sixty-seven million, Two hundred and one thousand, Four hundred and sixty-eight naira ₦6,067,201,468) representing 5% of the total budget size.
Mr. Speaker, Honourable members, let me at this juncture speak on some of the policies and programmes of the 2015 Budget proposal. The 2015 budget will continue to place emphasis on critical sectors of the state economy with a view to creating jobs and achieving inclusive growth. The critical sectors such as roads, education, health, energy, water supply and agriculture will continue to be accorded high priority in resource allocation. To complement government’s efforts, the private sector will be brought in through Public Private Partnership, while other funding sources will also be explored.
1.General Public Services:
This administration will continue to accord the civil service its pride of place as a veritable tool for implementing government policies and programmes. We shall continue to fulfill our obligations of regular payment of salaries and allowances as at when due, including pensions and gratuity commitments.
We will continue to encourage and promote training and retraining of our civil servants, including teaching staff in our public schools in order to build a highly skilled and vibrant workforce for the purpose of providing quality service to the good people of the state. We shall ensure constant monitoring of the workforce using key performance indicator (KPI) templates as a way of tracking performance and productivity.
Mr. Speaker, Honorable members, permit me to reiterate our administration’s commitment to reduce the level of poverty in the state through the provision of empowerment and employment initiatives for our youths across the state. In realization of these initiatives in the coming year, 5,000 youths across the state will benefit from the empowerment and employment initiative through public workforce participation, Conditional Cash Transfer as well as skill acquisition in collaboration with the World Bank.
In the same vein, the state government also intends to maintain the existing 5200 participants of the Quick win intervention programme through KWARTMA scheme, Clean and Green Scheme, Environmental Corps Scheme, Vocational Skill, Graduate Entrepreneurship Scheme, KWASSA Scheme and KWABES Scheme. The State Government will also engage additional 319 participants in these schemes in the 2015 financial year.
The state government will continue to sustain the measures put in place to boost food production and increase private sector participation in commercial agriculture in order to make agribusiness viable. Additional incentives will be created to drive the growth of agriculture and related agro-allied industries as well as support small holding farmers to enhance their livelihoods and wealth creation.
The State Government collaboration with the Federal Government in the Growth Enhancement Scheme (GES) coupled with the provision of ₦215million revolving micro-credit to some farmers across the state have enhanced the productive capacity of small holder farmers, reduced poverty and ensure food security. In the 2015 financial year, a total capital expenditure to the sum of Two billion, Two hundred and fifty-three million, Seven hundred and eighty-six thousand, Four naira has been allocated to agricultural programs which include the following:
e) Construction of Kwara Modern Agricultural Analytical Laboratory;
f) Off-Taker Demand Driven Agriculture Scheme where 160 farmers will benefit from a loan arrangement to graduate from subsistence farming to commercial farming;
g) Rehabilitation of six (6) primary Animal Health and Public Health Centers in each senatorial district to ensure proper hygiene and service delivery;
h) Rehabilitation and De-silting of Duku-Lade Irrigation Scheme in order to safeguard the activities of the state rice farmers that have been experiencing frequent flooding;
i) Stock route Development for the retracing and demarcation of stock route to prevent moving cattle from straying into crop farms along cattle routes.
Works and Transport
Roads infrastructure is one of the key priority areas of this administration. To this end, we have continued to ensure the provision of good quality, standard road infrastructures in the state. A total sum of Four billion, Seven hundred and sixty-four million, Six hundred and ninety-nine thousand, Five hundred and forty-one will be expended on works and transport sector in 2015 financial year. Efforts will be geared towards the completion of the on-going road projects embarked upon by this administration. However, there are some expedient road projects to be executed in 2015 financial year to boost the socio-economic life of the area and its people. These include the following:
j) 62 kilometer Kaiama-Kishi road in Kaiama LGA.
k) 32.8 kilometer Ilesha-Baruba-Gwanara road Phase I in Baruten LGA.
l) 17 kilometer Arobadi-Maigida road in Moro LGA
m) 7.5 kilometer Egbejila-Asa Dam road in Ilorin West LGA
n) 2.65 Kilometer Oke-Opin township road in Ekiti LGA
o) 1.2 kilometer Old Garage Central Mosque Road, Lafiagi in Edu LGA
p) 1 kilometer Ogbondoroko township road in Asa LGA
Other rural roads to be executed in 2015 financial year are:
q) 5 kilometer Elere junction –Owode Oja road in Asa LGA
r) 36 kilometer Shinawu-Gankodun-Kenu road in Baruten LGA
s) 1.9 kilometer Kusogi water works road in Edu LGA
t) 6 kilometer Igbaja township road in Ifelodun LGA
u) 1.2 kilometer Okemale-Igbo-Ogo road, Osi in Ekiti LGA
v) 1.5 kilometer Oke-Oyi township road in Ilorin East LGA
w) 0.80 kilometer Asunara road in Ilorin South LGA
x) 0.9 kilometer Asimau hospital road and Temidire Street, Eruda in Ilorin West LGA.
y) 7.8 kilometer Omu-Aran – Isanlu-Isin road in Irepodun LGA
z) 29.7 kilometer Edidi-Alla-Odo-Eku – Agunjin road in Isin LGA
aa) 58 kilometer Kanikoko-Gbajibo road in Kaiama LGA
ab) 1.3 kilometer Oloru township road/completion of Station Road Jebba in Moro LGA
ac) 4 kilometer Atari road in Offa LGA
ad) 9 kilometer Olonoda – Inaja Maliki – Inaja-Alaro in Oyun LGA
ae) 1.5 kilometer Ekan – Imoji road in Oke-Ero LGA
af) 28 kilometer Koko-Dongi/Iye road in Patigi LGA
In addition, new state roads would be constructed to link up farm settlements, communities, educational institutions, health centres, industries and tourist sites.
The State fire service has witnessed tremendous achievements in the outgoing year and to further improve on this, one rapid fire intervention vehicle shall be procured. Also, renovation of two modern fire stations will be carried out at Bode Saadu and Omu-Aran in Moro and Irepodun LGAs respectively in 2015 financial year.
In line with international best practices, attention will be focused on further equipping the International Aviation College by purchasing two additional aircrafts for practical training of students.
Improvement in electricity supply will continue to receive priority attention of this administration, in view of its importance in facilitating socio-economic development. Towards this end, an Independent Power Projects (IPP) that will power industrial clusters across the state, stimulate jobs and improve power supply to our communities will be established in 2015 financial year. In spite of the federal government policy on privatization of the power sector, the state will continue to intensify its effort on rural electrification of all towns and villages in the state, and ensure their connection to the national grid through transformer installation. In view of this, a total sum of Ten billion, two hundred and ten million, one hundred and twenty-nine thousand, three hundred and seventy-six naira is allocated as capital expenditure for the year 2015 to implement priority projects in this sub-sector.
Commerce and Co-operatives
A total sum of Forty-four million naira has been set aside for programmes under this sub-sector during 2015 financial year. Various Poverty Reduction Programmes and Youth Empowerment Schemes as well as Micro-credit Schemes will continue to receive attention as a way of combating unemployment and the attendant frustrations in 2015 financial year. This beside the revolving N750m in micro from which 48, 000 small businesses have benefitted so far.
Information and Communication
As we are all aware, high levels of advocacy about government activities are critical to our efforts to promote transparency and accountability in governance.
Pursuant to this, the necessary enabling environment would also be put in place to attain this lofty objective. Towards this end, a total sum of Four hundred and six million, One hundred and eighty-three thousand, Two hundred and thirty-two naira is set aside for the capital projects in this sub-sector.
Environment and Forestry
Our aim in this sub-sector is to drive beautification of the state environment in a manner aligned with the state’s commercial and investment strategies as well as to ensure tree and forest conservation for environmental sustainability. Efforts will therefore be geared towards efficient and effective solid waste management, forest protection and preservation by providing necessary support to maintain the city beautification project. Attention will be given to effective channelization and desilting of drainages to control floods and erosion prone areas in the state.
The Kwara State Environmental Protection Agency (KWASEPA) will continue to be strengthened with necessary equipment facilities to enhance its revenue generation and productivity. To this end, a total sum of Two hundred and seventy million, Four hundred and ninety-one thousand, three hundred and forty-three naira has been allocated for the activities of this sub-sector in 2015 financial year.
Housing and Urban Development
As part of the strategy for the overall development of the state, this administration will continue to enhance Public Private Partnership in the provision of houses and infrastructural facilities and stimulating strategic physical planning, and development control. In line with the stated above objectives, the under listed projects have been earmarked for implementation during the 2015 financial year under this sub-sector.
a) Construction of nine Khadis Quarters and nine Boys Quarters
b) Neighborhood upgrading geared towards slum reduction and control of haphazard development
c) Review of Greater Ilorin Master Plan to ensure that development and expansion of the city is carefully controlled.
d) Procurement of earth-moving equipment to enhance neighborhood scheme and layouts.
In order to accomplish all these activities, a total sum of Four hundred and thirty-two million, Four hundred and sixty thousand, Five hundred and sixty-nine naira has been earmarked for the sub-sector.
Water Supply
This administration will continue to pay special attention to the provision of potable water to the residents of the state in the right quality and quantity. For the 2015 financial year therefore, a total sum of Two billion, Seven hundred and fifty-two million, One hundred and sixty-nine thousand, Three hundred and twenty-five naira is allocated for the sustenance of government efforts at developing and maintaining water supply infrastructure in the state. In 2015 financial year, government will continue its effort at expanding the water distribution pipe network coverage of Ilorin metropolis in some 25 locations through the on-going Ilorin reticulation project. Similarly, rehabilitation of some waterworks will continue while the proposed Oyun Regional Water Scheme Project that will serve the water needs of Oyun, Offa and parts of Irepodun LGA will commence. In addition, provision of boreholes will continue to receive government attention in our rural and semi-urban communities in various locations across the state.
Health care delivery system is one of the priority areas of this administration and we shall continue to ensure a sustainable health care delivery system at all times. Our Community Health Care policy is part of measures to improve the health status of our rural dwellers in the state.
To sustain these health policies in the 2015 financial year, a total sum of Seven billion, nine hundred and sixty million, three hundred and ninety-four thousand, six hundred and thirty-seven naira will be expended on health related activities which include the following:-
a) Roll-back malaria programme
b) Supply of beds and beddings to the state-owned hospitals
c) Procurement and distribution of additional six Ambulances for six health institutions across the three senatorial districts.
d) Rehabilitation of two existing eye clinics in the state (i.e. Sobi Eye Clinic and Civil Service Clinic)
e) Rehabilitation of two Primary Health Centres
f) Community Based Health Insurance Scheme would be strengthened and expanded to cover 70,284 beneficiaries across the three senatorial districts in order to have access to qualitative health care services at affordable price.
Mr. Speaker, distinguished honorable members, let me report to you that this community health insurance scheme has attracted people from other states of the federation to visit Kwara State, to understudy the programme, having seen the success recorded in the programme so far. We therefore, call on people to complement government efforts and to always key in to any programme initiated by the state government for the benefit of the people.
Sports and Youth:
This administration will continue to support sporting activities as means of promoting health and a veritable tool of national unity. In 2015 financial year, we intend to completely overhaul and modernize the indoor sports hall of the Ilorin Township Stadium in line with high standards of Main Bowl and in order to promote sports development, especially among our youths.
Government will also continue to accord priority attention to youth development through economic empowerment and employment of the youth in order to reduce unemployment and youth restiveness. A total sum of Five hundred and fifty-six million, Sixty-two thousand, one hundred and ten naira has been set aside for the activities of this sub-sector in 2015 financial year.
This administration has intensified efforts over the years, to provide quality education to our children in the state. This is because education is no doubt, the bedrock of development and veritable source of the manpower requirement of the state. In order to further enhance the quality of education at all levels, government will focus its attention on the completion of on-going projects and infrastructural development in order to provide conducive atmosphere for effective teaching and learning process. Training and retraining will also be pursued vigorously to strengthen the capacity of our teachers to deliver effectively in our schools. Besides, by the first quarter of 2015, we shall take another bold step towards providing our youth with functional skills when the City and Guilds – affiliated International Vocational Centre, Ajasse-Ipo takes in its first set of students. This school will connect with our Quick win initiative, under which a new crop of youth entrepreneurs is currently receiving vocational and entrepreneurship training, to fill middle level manpower gaps. However, the major initiatives planned for implementation in 2015 are:
a) Rehabilitation of five Technical Colleges to serve as incubation centres for the International Vocational Centre at Ajasse-Ipo.
b) Comprehensive rehabilitation of thirty (30) schools across the state at ten (10) schools per senatorial district.
c) Renovation of four Women Development Centres at Lafiagi, Kaiama, Shao and Bode Saadu to improve rural women vocational skills.
The total amount proposed for the activities of this sub-sector is Nine billion, seven hundred and forty-five million, nine hundred and fifty-six thousand, Six hundred and thirty-seven naira .
In addition, attention will be paid to the renovation and completion of some physical infrastructures in our tertiary institutions. In order to accomplish the activities earmarked for execution in all our tertiary institutions in 2015 financial year, a total sum of Six billion, nine hundred and sixty-four million, nine hundred and sixty-four thousand, two hundred and twenty-two naira has been set aside.
Furthermore, government will continue its commitment towards enhance welfare of indigent students of the state in our tertiary institutions, through prompt payment of bursary and scholarship in order to reduce the financial burden of parents.
In the year 2015, our administration will continue to sustain women and children’s interest to ensure socio-economic development in the state. Effort will be geared towards provision of vocational education, skill acquisition training, advocacy programme, and other empowerment programmes for women and vulnerable groups in the state. A total sum of Forty-five million naira is earmarked for various activities in this sector for 2015 financial year.
We know that only a society that assures the security of lives and property of its citizens can create the atmosphere necessary for development. For this reason, we shall continue to remain proactive to sustain the peace and harmony being enjoyed in the state by giving necessary support to the law enforcement agencies in order to strengthen security of lives and property in the state. I wish to place on record, our sincere appreciation to the security and law enforcement agencies operating in Kwara State for their steadfastness and sacrifices in ensuring peace and harmony in the state,
The Kwara State Judiciary is an arm of government whose constitutional responsibilities cannot be over emphasized. In this regard, our administration will continue to support the welfare of the Judiciary and promote a vibrant justice administration system. Accordingly, in 2015 financial year, a sum of Six hundred and twenty-seven million, Four hundred and twenty-five thousand naira (₦627,425,000) is provided for the implementation of various capital projects.
Mr. Speaker, Honorable members, in the last three and a half years, we have worked as a team driven by a shared vision to propel Kwara State on to the path of greatness. I am persuaded that 2015 holds a bright future for our people. We shall continue to stand on our well-articulated development strategy which will enable us to focus and deploy resources in a more prudent, efficient and effective manner. As we all look forward to 2015 with positive expectations, it is also important to note that it is an election year.
I have strong belief that all will be well and we shall have a peaceful elections by the grace of Almighty God.
Let me at this juncture, express my appreciation to the entire people of this state for their support, understanding and for remaining law abiding. I will also like to thank our Royal Fathers for their fatherly advice, goodwill and prayers. My gratitude also goes to our religious leaders, professional organizations, women organizations, youth groups and civil society organizations in the state for their support and demonstration of confidence in our administration for the past three and a half years.
Finally, let me once again express my profound gratitude and deep appreciation to Mr. Speaker and the Honorable members of this distinguished legislative chamber for your cooperation, unflinching support and wonderful understanding with which we have related. The success that we have recorded in the last three and a half years would not have been possible without the understanding and cooperation between the Executive and the Legislature. We need to sustain this in the interest of overall development of this state. I thank you all for your kind attention and wish you all Happy Holidays and prosperous 2015.
Thank you all. God bless our State and our great Country, Nigeria.